Fauna Evolution at its best When the Galapagos volcanoes started to form the first Islands, some three to five million years ago, they were isolated
Galapagos Flora
Galapagos Flora Plants are the basis of all life within the Galapagos Islands. With about 560 native species of “higher” plants – plants which arrived in
Storia delle Galapagos
Storia delle Galapagos Prehistory Ancient archeological remains have been found which indicate that the first visitors coming from the Ecuadorian coast arrived on “Balsas” or
Regole del Parco Nazionale Galapagos
Galapagos Regole del Parco Nazionale Welcome, and thank you for considering visiting the Galapagos. Please bear the following information in mind during your stay: To
Galapagos pianificazione del viaggio
Galapagos pianificazione del viaggio Located on the equator, the Galapagos Islands are subject to oceanic currents that influence temperatures on the archipelago. However, the weather
Mappe Performed by the he Ministry of Tourism in Ecuador, the following maps shows the provinces along with their most visited attraction, showing up many
Bagagli suggeriti
Galapagos bagagli suggeriti The most important: if you are on any treatment that requires regular intake of any medicines or allergic, please make sure you have
Meteo Galapagos
Meteo Galapagos Ave. Temp.Max / Min ºC Ave. Temp.ºC / F Ave. Hours ofClear Skies Ave. SeaTemp. ºC Ave. Rainfallmm/inch January 30/22 25/27 5.3
Informazioni di viaggio sulle Galapagos
Informazioni di viaggio sulle Galapagos NB: Gli itinerari delle crociere sono da considerarsi solo come una guida. Tutti gli itinerari e i programmi possono cambiare
Voli Galapagos
Voli Galapagos Ci sono almeno 6 voli giornalieri per le isole Galapagos. Tutti i voli per le Galapagos partono dall’Ecuador continentale, dalla capitale Quito e